Suppliers Registration form

Registration of Potential Suppliers, Service Providers and Contractors

Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA) is currently updating its database of Suppliers, Service Providers and Contractors.  In this respect, interested parties are invited to express their interest in registering themselves.

MDPA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all registration forms at any time prior to selection without incurring any liability towards any applicant or without any obligation to inform the applicant of the reasons thereof.

Please duly complete the Online Registration of Suppliers form below.


Online Registration of Suppliers for MDPA

Authorised under Regulation 42 of the Public Procurement Regulations 2008

The Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (ex-National Computer Board) is a para-statal body under the aegis of the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation.

The Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA) is inviting potential suppliers, contractors and consultants to register with the MDPA for the supply of goods, works, services and consultancy services.

Interested parties are requested to register online on the following website address and by uploading all the requested documents and their updated company profiles:

Please check full Notice for Online Registration of Suppliers for MDPA before completing form below
* are mandatory fields and need to be filled by the applicant
Note that each file uploaded should not be more than 2 MB in size

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