Our Projects

National Internet of Things (NIoT)

The Government IoT (Internet of Things) Network aims at setting up a centralized open source Platform for the management of data generated by IoT sensors and devices.

The project aims to create an ecosystem of connected devices and sensors that can generate real-time data, which can be analysed to gain insights into various aspects of the country’s infrastructure, environment, and economy.

MDPA recognizes the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT) which describes a future where many everyday devices are interconnected through a network. These devices collect and share data of themselves and their surroundings to allow widespread monitoring, analysis, optimization, and control.

MDPA has set up the National IoT (NIOT) gateway to provide IOT services to Government Institutions, allowing them to reap IoT benefits without hefty set-up costs and long deployment lead time.

The Unified and central platform provides for device management, device data collection, and application enablement. The IOT platform follows recognised Network Reference Model for standards compliance and interoperability.

The platform is based on Open Source and uses LoRAWAN,  used worldwide for connecting and monitoring end nodes and is supported by a wide range of connected products. Our network currently provide for:

  • receiving data from the connected Devices,
  • processing the received data,
  • providing the received data to connected Applications, and
  • controlling Devices

Objectives of NIoT

The Objectives are:

  • develop a common platform to enable real-time data to be used in the design of innovative services and applications.
  • develop APIs for real-time data to be used in innovative applications for various sectors in a view to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
  • promote latest IOT communications standards and data transmission protocols.
  • sensitise and inspire companies, entrepreneurs, IT professionals , school leavers and the general public on the potential of the IoT on how they can leverage latest open hardware with open source software to prototype new products/applications and bring commercial products hence creating opportunities whereby contributing to our economy.
  • connect and learn from data influx of new information which would help to more quickly respond to challenges such as reducing energy consumption or helping first responders safely assess dangerous situations.
  • create the right environment to stimulate IoT innovations and business opportunities.
  • gain efficiencies and cost savings to enhance the quality of life of Citizens across various sectors

Capacity Building

MDPA in collaboration with ITU organised a regional workshop on the development of ICT ecosystem to harness Internet-of-Things (IoT).  The participants gained knowledge regarding the technology and standards relating to IoTs, the critical parts of the ICT ecosystem required to mainstream IoTs, how IoTs can be deployed in other verticals through visualization of practical examples and other skills required on developing their own national and enterprise level strategies

Projects being implemented

MDPA is finalising the National IoT (NIOT) Policy in view of encouraging institutions and businesses to adopt the widely-used LoRAWAN technology and to make full  use National IoT Network.  

MDPA has deployed the IoT Smart Farming at FAREI with environmental IoT sensors, including weather stations for measuring of wind speed and direction, rainfall, UV level, light intensity, barometric pressure, humidity, temperature, soil moisture and air quality. The system is also configured for threshold alerts i.e. upon detection of low soil moisture level.

All these data are being collected in near real-time and is enabling FAREI Researchers to study the environmental impact on their production systems. The results would help farmers understand how to adjust all these environmental parameters within their specific farming environments for maximizing their production. MDPA has also worked with CWA by installing a smart water pulse/flow meter at Quartier Militaire reservoir by the MDPA and CWA technical teams. 

Near real time data is sent via the National IOT infrastructure and a Web interface was set up as a dashboard showing pulse data readings as well as historical graph.  MDPA has started in developing  a basic Fleet Management system which utilises vehicle GPS tracker; this solution can be utilised by various agencies in Mauritius, with a potential for big savings. 

We are also collaborating with the Ministry of Environment for their implementation of the “Lagoon Water Quality Index” and the “Online Surface and Ground Water Quality Monitoring” . The IoT sensors will be procured by the Ministry but all data collected will be effected through the National IoT Network.

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