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ICT Indicators

Statistics and Indicators are generated, compiled and published by various institutions for different sectors. The ICT Indicators of MDPA regroups specifically indicators for the ICT sector which it obtains from various sources. 

The Mauritius ICT Indicators Portal consolidates all ICT-related indicators and statistics for Mauritius. The portal also promotes proper management of statistical data that can be used for policy research, plans and projects development and implementation, and analysis of the ICT sector.


MDPA is revamping its ICT Indicators website, aligned with International Indicators such as ITU, OECD, SADC.  We compile the statistics from various sources namely ICTA, TEC, EDB, Statistics Mauritius, CERT-MU.  Indicators once formatted are then posted on the website. The main fields covered are Economic, Infrastructure, Tariffs, Education, Manpower, Business Usage, Household Penetration, Security.

We also keep track of Global indices: E-Gov. Development index, Network Readiness Index, Global Innovation Index, Global Cyber Security Index and prepare Quarterly newsletters.