Digital And Social marketing

Digital and Social Media Marketing

The NCB has started a Programme to guide Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to avail of new opportunities for Online presence and Digital & Social Media Marketing (DSMM) for boosting their business and expand their client base.

The objectives of the Programme are:

  • Encourage entrepreneurs who are often stretched thin for them to adopt IT tools given their limited time and human resources, to adopt social media and digital marketing for expanding and diversifying their client and market base
  • Initiate them in the use of the creation of social media and business pages
  • Introduce them to basic digital marketing tools and skills, social media posting and boosting their products
  • Build up their skills in user friendly graphic and video tools for posting


WSIS Award

The Digital & Social Media Marketing for Women-Led Small Enterprises project submitted by the National Computer Board (Mauritius) has been awarded as champion for the prestigious World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2021 in the Category ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life – E-business.

Out of a total 1,270 submissions in 18 categories worldwide, the NCB project was ranked as champion among the top 5 in its category. Details of this project is available at the following website:


1st Phase

The 1st phase, carried out 27th June 2019, was a Workshop targeting some 70 small entrepreneurs.

Subsequently, in August, a 3-day hands-on Lab was conducted for 35 MSMEs who were trained on how to create an online presence on social media, how to create a simple web site and how to market their products digitally.

The Consultant was the CEO of a top-rated marketing firm.


2nd Phase

The 2nd phase was conducted in collaboration of the National Women Entrepreneur Council (NWEC). A total of 200 NWEC members are being targeted to complete the trainings.


Year 2020 training – Batch 1

The programme was launched with a first group of 12 women entrepreneurs (divided over 2 batches for personalized training) as a pilot project in October 2020. The participants were coached through hands-on exercises and 1-1 sessions for online presence, creation of social media pages and websites by the staff of the NCB. The training which was conducted during 2 half-days every week ended in December 2020.


Year 2021

Batch 2

Given the keen interest of NWEC members, a second group of 18 entrepreneurs (divided in manageable batches of 9) has been trained as from January 2021. The courses for the 2 batches, started on 9 February 2021 and was scheduled to finish in April 2021. Classes were moved online amidst Covid-19 confinements. Continuous support were given via Whatsapp in the month of March and formal online classes were then delivered to the participants through zoom as from 8 April. The programme completed on 5 July 2021.


Batch 3

A third Batch started in July 2021 with 10 women entrepreneurs (because of social distancing requirements) from various sectors. The course started in July 2021 and ended in September 2021 for vaccinated participants and the courses were held in the IT lab of the NWEC with all recommended sanitary conditions.

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