Our Projects

Children Innovative Learning & Design (ChILD) Programme

The Children Innovative Learning and Design (ChILD) programme was first announced in budget 2021/22. ChILD is a new ICT educational initiative which pertains to the initiation of Coding and Robotics to Grades 4, 5 and 6 pupils at primary level.  

Since 2021, the Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA) is implementing the ChILD programme in various primary schools across the island in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology (MoETEST), and the Special Education Needs Authority (SENA since 2022).  

The ChILD Programme aims at introducing Robotics Kits to upper primary students while equipping them with the required coding capabilities. This innovative and enlightening programme allows the children to design and build their own robots using the DIY (Do It Yourself) concept.

The main objective of initiating our Kids and Youngsters to Coding and Robotics is to foster a predilection for science and engineering so as to inspire them to embrace STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) subjects.

Benefits of ChILD Programme

  • Develop COMPUTATIONAL skills
  • Spark interest in STEM subjects
  • Promote TEAMWORK/COLLABORATION among young learners
  • Build interest in COMPUTER PROGRAMMING at an early age

Official launching of ChILD Programme

The official launching of the ChILD Programme which took place on 07 April 2022 at Rajcoomar Gujadhur GS (Flacq) was organised by MDPA in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation and whereby both respective Hon. Ministers were present, among other VIPs.

Operational Model

The ChILD is a 12 Hour training programme consisting of 2 core modules namely: Scratch Coding 3.0, and Robotic Kits. The training is delivered by the ICT Support Officers (usually referred to as ‘ICT Teachers’) in the Computer Labs of primary schools.

It is to be highlighted that prior to the rolling out of ChILD programme in schools, Capacity Building /Training-of-Trainers Workshops are conducted by MDPA to empower the ICT Support Officers to become confident users of the Robotics Kit. The workshops are organised in collaboration with the MIE in their Computer Labs.

Each school receives a Robotics Kit (Codey Rocky) by the MDPA for the rolling out of the programme.  Course materials pertaining to the ChILD Programme are developed by the MDPA and provided to ICT Support Officers.  The list of primary schools and ICT Support Officers earmarked for the ChILD programme are provided by MoETEST to MDPA.

Stipend to ICT Support Officers

It is worth highlighting that the effective implementation of the ChILD Programme depends to a large extent on the engagement and commitment of the ICT Support Officers since additional tasks are being assigned to them. A stipend is thus granted to the ICT Support Officers in a bid to actively involve them in the ChILD project.

Rolling Out of ChILD Programme

As at date, the MDPA has successfully rolled out the ChILD programme in 72 primary schools (Govt & RCA) and 12 Special Education Needs (SEN) schools. Some 12,700 pupils have benefitted from this programme.  191 teachers have participated in the Capacity Building /Training-of-Trainers Workshops.

For the academic year 2024, ChILD programme is being rolled out in 75 (additional) primary schools and 18 (additional) SEN schools from February to June 2024. Some 9,000+ pupils are expected to follow this programme.

After completing the ChILD programme, each student receives a Certificate of Participation from the MDPA. A Certificate of Participation is also granted to the ICT Support Officers who have participated in the Capacity Building /Training-of-Trainers Workshops.

It is to be highlighted that very positive feedbacks have been received from the school community.  It is envisaged to implement the ChILD programme in all primary schools (Govt & RCA) in Mauritius and Rodrigues by June 2025.

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